Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Today I had a new patient which I was very nervous for. My patient first started out being a Class II but by the time we first scaling the first quad she got changed to a class III. I have a very hard time going interpoxal. My patient made comment that her clean felt cleaner and better in the one quad that I had cleaned. She had very tenaious cal, which made it very difficult. She is returning next monday for 45 mins so we will see how it goes.

Monday, January 14, 2008

clinic 1/14/07

Wow today was crazy I had my first real patient and boy was I nervous, but I got through it. I never dreamed that clinic days woudl be this stressful but hopefully they get better and better. I need to work on my x-rays and probing as far as time goes and I need to work on x-rays and scaling as far as doing better. My patient today was very nice and came from far so me and Lis made sure to finish him and his wife today which was pushing it but we did it.

clinic Asst. day 1/9/08

Today was great I loved clinic I was not nervous or intimidated, the catch I was CA today. I learned a lot about how our clinic is actually ran from behind the scenes. I enjoyed working with all the patients at the front desk. Mrs. Campbell was very nice and helpful, I also enjoyed working with Torri alot. Torri showed me where everything is in the clinic and how to start the autoclave. I could be the CA for the whole semester hahahahaha. I just scared to death work with my first real patient.

Monday, January 7, 2008

First day back!

Well I was very scared and worried to return from the christmas break but today really was not that bad. I feel like I understood the graceys a lot better now. I took awhile to grasp the right angle and side to use but I got it in the end. I also felt better about the ultra sonic and how to set it up with the right water pressure. Overall today was better than expected.