Thursday, April 23, 2009

Practice injections

Tony my sweet boy came up to school to let me practice injections on him. At first I was nervous but once I started retracting his cheeks back I got more comfortable. He was giving great feedback that really helped me nail the injections. I really learned that I have to pull the cheek back extremely far on the PAS to get the distal of the 2nd molar. THIS HELPED ME MORE THAN I CAN EVER EXPLAIN ON HERE, I RECOMEND IT. Tony will be my real board patient which will be wonderful.

April 16, 2009

Mock Anesthesia- Written exam. I felt fabulous about the written exam. If the real one is that easy(which it wont be) I'll be stoked. I fell the taking the test the same day as the injection mock was a great expeirence that gave me a good idea of what the real thing will be like. I felt great and exam, injections not so much.

April 16, 2009

Mock Anesthesia -Clinic expeirence. Today was anesthesia mock boards and I felt clam going into it but after I didnt feel so great. I failed both injections which made me realize that I needed more practice. I went to low on the IA and I didnt have a 45 degree to the midline on the pSA. My peer pal was awsome and very supportive which helped a lot. Overall I learned what I did wrong and I am going to practice over and over till I get it right.

April 15, 2009

Today was our last day at the VA, Which makes me sad. I have loved the VA. Thanks to Kami I feel like my scaling skills and feeling for calculus have gotten much better. I just keep telling myself towards the tooth hhahahaha. One of my patients today and an interesting problem that I have never had before. She had a artifical spine which made positioning difficult but as long as told how i was going to move the chair before I did it everything was good. I will miss the VA I feel like gave me expeirences the weber state clinic couldnt.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 1, 2009

Today I was at the VA and it was a fabulous day and I left feeling really good about my scaling. I did not have a morning patient but the afternoon I had two pts. Lis was sick so we had one extra so I bolted though two pts in a hour and fifteen minutes which is really good for me. I really got a good feel for the real private pratice.

April 9, 2009

I saw my grandma today which is always fun when you know the person. She was a Class V and I felt like her calculus came off pretty easy. Although she did have some rough root surfaces that even jeanie commented on. The afternoon was a little more busy, I had a 1b adult and a 1a child with sealants. I am feeling way confident with sealants esp since the sealant clinics. Overall today was not so difficult but productive.

Apirl 2, 2009

Today was our last mock board I got an 88% but still missed 4 spots which makes me very nervous. My patient is very hard he has rings of calculus around every tooth, so there is no room for error. Kami was my examiner and made me feel good about the cleaning which was nice but also made me aware that there are somethings I need to work on. For example I really need to work on moving the tip towards the tooth, it makes a world of difference. overall good day but liek I said i'm nervous for real board esp because of the difficulty of my patient.

March 26, 2009

Well today was very interesting I could not see my scheduled patients because I have pink eye in both eyes and the doctor said it is very contagious.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today was hard, both my patients were class IV and needed anesthetic. They both were really good experiences for me. I learned there tenacious calculus can be somewhat impossible to get off. Both of my patients I will have to check for residual next time because it was so hard to get off. I learned that when you do a tissue eval its easier to check for residual because the tissues have shrunk down. I also realized how easy it is to get fatigue.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today was a long day to be honest. I had a perio patient in the morning and in the afternoon I had a 1b and a 1a both with x-rays. This keep me very busy and constantly doing something. I felt like tearing down and resetting up twice in one appointment is alot. I cant imagine what it will be like in practice. overall good day

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today was a good day for the most part, other than I stuck myself giving injections luckly it was a sterile needle. It made me realize how easy it really is to prick yourself. A good eye opener!!!!!!! My afternoon patient was a class II exam and I didnt miss any calculus which felt good.


Today I was at the VA with Kami and it was a fabulous day because I got 10 injections. Injections are the thing i'm in the most need for. I honestly dont feel that comfortable with injections probably because I havent done them for so long. I'm feeling more and more confident but I still need practice.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today was a great day. My morning patient was very nice, although he had quite a few missing teeth. He was a class V with lots of plaque. The ultrasonic is amazing. My afternoon pt was awesome. He had mental disabilities which I was nervous for but it turned out to be a fabulous experience. I'm happy I got to have a patient like him here before I'm on my own in practice. Nitrous oxide really helped. Overall not a good calculus removal day but a good learning experience.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Wow first day back, it was pretty exciting. I found my mock board and board patient, hopefully they will be reliable. My second patient no showed me which was not that great but my morning patient news made up for it. All I did on my morning patient was x-rays so no scaling.