Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I felt that today was a very good day. I liked trying out the Peizo, even though I like the ultrasonic mush more. The sonic was my least favorite, It felt too heavy. The curved ultrasonics are always fun to use. I liked doing the salivary tests, I learned alot. My ph in my saliva rocks. I think that I will use my extra fulcrums lot now that I know what I'm doing.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Today started out not so good, I was not feeling well. But once I got started on my patient I started to forget about it and focus on my appointment which was good. My morning patient was a class III and I scaled three quads and finished him which is good for me. I missed a spot on the mesial groove on the 2nd pre-molar which was a great learning experience. I'm really starting to understand the root surface.